OCD therapist, anxiety therapist, depression therapist in Nashville and online.

Compassionate therapy in Nashville and online to help you find greater freedom from OCD, anxiety, and depression.

If you are impacted by OCD, anxiety, or depression, including during the perinatal period (pregnancy and postpartum), I’m here to help.

  • Individual Therapy

    I provide individual therapy using evidence-based methods to help you reach your goals effectively and move forward with confidence.

  • Online Groups

    Online groups create community and build skills that are complementary to individual therapy, with a focus on mindfulness and self-compassion.

  • Supervision & Training

    I provide clinical supervision and case consultation to clinicians. I also provide trainings to organizations on topics related to workplace mental health.

I help you reconnect with the strength that is already inside of you so that you can move towards what you care about most.


  • OCD & Anxiety

    OCD and anxiety can cause individuals to feel stuck in cycles of distressing thoughts and behaviors. For both, research shows that treatment works.

  • Depression

    Depression can often co-occur with anxiety or OCD. It can also be the primary focus in therapy. Either way, you do not have to struggle alone.

  • Pregnancy & Postpartum

    Mood and anxiety disorders are the number one complication of the perinatal period, but that does not mean you have to suffer.

OCD therapist, anxiety therapist, depression therapist in Nashville and online.


I’m Jessica Cameron, LCSW (she/her), a Nashville-based licensed therapist.

My own growth journey has led me to help clients face the challenges of life with courage.

I get it. Sometimes the cycles of worry and negative self-talk can feel overwhelming. Perfectionism, self-judgment, and shame can pile on top of what’s already difficult to cause even greater suffering.

It doesn’t have to be this hard.

Through working together, I can help you find freedom from these destructive cycles so that you can live fully again.

“Jessica helped me grasp my OCD like never before. Her empathetic and expert approach made me feel heard and guided throughout the process.”

— JS, Client